La maggioranza deviante. L'ideologia del controllo sociale totale

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La maggioranza deviante. L’ideologia del controllo sociale totale

by Franco Basaglia and Franca Basaglia Ongaro

«Modern population - writes the American psychiatrist Jurgen Ruesch quoted in this book - is made up of a central group that includes government, industry, finance, science, engineering, army and education. A circle of consumers of goods and services revolves around this nucleus. On the periphery there are also the marginalized who have no significant function in our society … " The problem of the dropout, of the deviant, of the one who does not want to belong or who cannot fit in, of the misfit for whom social constraints is too tight, therefore expands to the paradox of a sort of universal deviance. This problem and the ideology that governs it constitute the theme of this book, published for the first time in 1971.


Franco Basaglia & Franca Basaglia Ongaro, 2010. bib⁄La maggioranza deviante. L'ideologia del controllo sociale totale. Dalai Editore.